2019 dialogues
December 6–8, Bangalore International Centre
With participating writers Togara Muzanenhamo, I. Allan Sealy, Michael Kelleher, Jayant Kaikini, Joy Goswami, Vivek Shanbhag, Sharmistha Mohanty and Zoë Wicomb.
This edition was partially supported by the Windham-Campbell Literature Prize.
evening readings
6:30 pm, Bangalore International Centre
Friday, Dec. 6
Togara Muzanenhamo, I. Allan Sealy
Saturday, Dec. 7
Michael Kelleher, Jayant Kaikini, Joy Goswami
Sunday, Dec. 8
Vivek Shanbag, Sharmistha Mohanty, Zoe Wicomb
10 am-1 pm, Bangalore Interntional Centre
Friday, Dec. 6
Beyond the Lyric
The properties, the depths, the persistence—and also the possible inadequacies—of the personal lyric in poetry, in a continued conversation with various other modes.
Joy Goswami, Togara Muzanenhamo, I. Allan Sealy, Michael Kelleher
Saturday, Dec. 7
Two voices
Zoë Wicomb and Togara Muzanenhamo on the contexts and elements that formed and impacted their work.
Anchor: Souradeep Roy
Sunday, Dec. 8
Narrative Fiction Now
The realist narrative seems to be the primary fictional form today, at least in the Anglophone world. What are the challenges of working in this form now? Has the form become somewhat automated? Does it need to be revitalized and renewed?
Jayant Kaikini, Vivek Shanbag, Zoë Wicomb, I. Allan Sealy
Anchor: Sharmistha Mohanty
The Almost Island Dialogues began as a natural extension of the journal. It is a very intimate gathering where writers can talk at length on craft, form, their different cultural contexts. The writers who are invited for these Dialogues span several continents, they have spoken in many languages, with the help of interpreters. They were chosen because we deeply admired their work, their singularity. Almost always we knew the work well. We were not concerned with their fame or lack of it, we invited those we admired. We have been called the "anti-festival", but the intention was to only be what we are.
2019 | Dec. 6–8 | BIC, Bangalore
with Zoë Wicomb, Togara Muzanenhamo, I. Allan Sealy, Michael Kelleher, Jayant Kaikini, Joy Goswami, Vivek Shanbhag, Sharmistha Mohanty
2018 | Dec. 22–23 | IIC, Delhi
With Ari Sitas, Mani Rao, Subhro Bandhopadhyay, Rahul Soni, Vivek Narayanan, Sharmistha Mohanty
2017 | Dec. 16–17 | IIC, Delhi
with Bei Dao, Mohammed Bennis, Arvind Krishna Mehrotra, Manglesh Dabral, Sergio Chejfec, I. Allan Sealy, Joy Goswami, Emily Sun, Jared Stark, Magaret Carson, Vivek Narayanan, Sharmistha Mohanty
2015 | Feb. 13–15 | IIC, Delhi
with Raul Zurita, Joy Goswami, Kutti Revathy, K. Satchidanandan, Anna Deeny Morales, Bahauddin Dagar, Parvathy Baul, Vivek Narayanan, Sharmistha Mohanty
2013 | Dec. 19–22 | IIC, Delhi
with Xi Chuan, Bahauddin Dagar, Renee Gladman, László Krasznahorkai, Arvind Krishna Mehrotra, Ashis Nandy, Sharmistha Mohanty, Rahul Soni
2011 India-China | Dec. 19–21 | Jnanapravaha, Mumbai
with Bei Dao, Adil Jussawalla, Irwin Allan Sealy, Xi Chuan, Ouyang Jianghe, Han Shaogong, K. Satchidanandan, Rukmini Bhaya Nair, Ge Fei, Ashis Nandy, Li Tuo, Lydia Liu, Yourou Zhong, Vivek Narayanan, Sharmistha Mohanty
2011 | Mar. 11–13 | IIC, Delhi
with Forrest Gander, Vahni Capildeo, George Szirtes, Irwin Allan Sealy, Rahul Soni, Giriraj Kiradoo, the Cybermohalla Collective, Charu Nivedita, Vivek Narayanan, Sharmistha Mohanty
2010 | Mar. 18–21 | IIC, Delhi
with Tomasz Salamun, Vahni Capildeo, Eliot Weinberger, Joy Goswami, Xu Xi, Anita Agnihotri, Charu Nivedita, Vivek Narayanan, Sharmistha Mohanty
2009 | Feb. 12–15 | IIC, Delhi
with Ashis Nandy, Kunwar Narain, Bei Dao, Joy Goswami, Xi Chuan, Ouyang Jianghe, Ge Fei, Zhai Yongming, K. Satchidanandan, Li Tuo, Vinod Kumar Shukla, Irwin Allan Sealy, Rukmini Bhaya Nair, Vivek Narayanan, Sharmistha Mohanty
2008 | Mar. 6–9 | IIC, Delhi
with Claudio Magris, Bei Dao, George Szirtes, Udayan Vajpeyi, Irwin Allan Sealy, Nabaneeta Dev Sen, Mani Kaul, Vivek Narayanan, Sharmistha Mohanty
2006 | Dec. 15–17 | IIC, Delhi
with Irwin Allan Sealy, George Szirtes, Mani Kaul, Mariko Nagai, K. Satchidanandan, Vinod Kumar Shukla, Arvind Mehrotra, Vivek Narayanan, Sharmistha Mohanty
Togara Muzanenhamo
From left, Souradeep Roy and Zoe Wicomb
From left, Michael Kelleher and Irwin Allan Sealy
Zoe Wicomb
From left, Zoe Wicomb, Vivek Shanbag, Togara Muzanenhamo

The writers together at the Bangalore International Centre